State Auditor Janar Holm at RBBN AGM
On 21 June 2024, Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia (RBBN) held its annual meeting in Tallinn. In addition to discussing and approving the previous year's annual report, the meeting also heard from guest speakers – [...]
Business network got an overview of RB funding issues at year-end business lunch
Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia summarised its activities for the year and received an update on the current status of the project from Keit Kasemets, Chancellor of the Estonian Ministry of Climate, at a business [...]
Business Network Visited Rail Baltica Construction Sites in Latvia
Members of the Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia (RBBN) visited the largest Rail Baltica construction projects in Latvia - the new main railway station in Riga city centre and the RB passenger terminal at the [...]
Enterprise Estonia joined Rail Baltica Business Network
Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia has been joined by Estonian Investment Agency (EIA), a part of Enterprise Estonia, a government agency promoting foreign investments into Estonia and assisting international companies in finding business opportunities in [...]
Tallinn Ring Rail and the new reality of transit chains discussed at RBBN AGM
The annual general meeting of the Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia (RBBN), which gathered in Tallinn on June 20, 2023, approved the annual report and discussed the future activities of the NGO. "The RB business [...]
RB Business Network Seminar at Rail Baltic Estonia’s new offices
Rail Baltic Estonia OÜ hosted members of the Rail Baltica Estonia Business Network at its new Tallinn offices on March 16th, 2023. Anvar Salomets, Chairman of the Board, gave an overview of the current status [...]
RBBN end-of-year dinner with Henrik Hololei and Claudio Richardson
In December 2022, Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia organised a traditional year-end lunch and discussion seminar for its members and guests in Tallinn. This time our guests were Henrik Hololei, Director General of the European [...]
RB Business Network Delegation Visit to Germany
Members of the Estonian Rail Baltica Estonia Business Network visited the German state of Baden-Württenberg to have a first-hand experience of the ongoing major rail projects. As part of the visit, the delegation was also [...]
Rail Baltica Business Network visited RB construction sites
The Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia, in cooperation with Rail Baltic Estonia, organized a tour for its members of construction sites on the Rail Baltic route. This time, the focus was on the RB construction [...]
RBBN AGM discussed Rail Baltica procurements
Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia (RBBN) held its annual general meeting on 21.06.2022 in Tallinn, where the annual report for the previous year was approved and the Rail Baltica construction procurements were discussed in the [...]
Rail Baltica Business Network at the Estonian Parliament
On May 4th, 2022 members of the Rail Baltica Support Group of the Estonian parliament Riigikogu and the Rail Baltica Business Network held a seminar in Conference Hall of the parliament. The seminar focused on [...]
RBBN Year-end Business Lunch with Director General of DG-MOVE
In December 2021 Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia (RBBN) organised a year-end luncheon seminar for its members and guests with Mr Henrik Hololei, the Director-General of the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European [...]
2021 a Busy Year for Rail Baltica
Board member of the RB Business Network in Estonia and partner of law firm TRINITI summarizes last year as a very busy one for Rail Baltica. Construction works on the new railway started in all [...]
New members joining – Katoen Natie and Liwathon E.O.S.
Katoen Natie and Liwathon E.O.S., two leaders in their field of logistics have joined Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia. Katoen Natie globally operates port-, logistics-, and on-site freight terminals. Katoen Natie Group provides a variety [...]
RBBN discussed important developments and changes at Muuga Harbour
This fall, members of the Estonian Rail Baltica Business Network gathered at Muuga Harbour to open the RB season and listen to presentations on current developments relating to the Rail Baltica project reaching the Muuga [...]
RB Business Network AGM virtually hosting the CEO of the RB joint venture
On June 14, 2021, Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia (RBBN) held its annual general meeting in Tallinn, re-electing its Management Board for another term. Also attending the meeting virtually was Agnis Driksna, Head of Rail [...]
Overview of the RB project progress at the business network webinar
Despite the ongoing pandemic, Tõnis Tamme, Member of the Management Board of Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia and partner at the TRINITI law firm, is pleased that the network had a chance to meet online [...]
Innopolis Engineering joined the RB Business Network
Innopolis Engineering™ joined the Rail Baltica Estonian Business Network as a full member. Innopolis is a Scandinavian & Baltic Architecture and Engineering Company which specializes in providing full-service digital construction design solutions in the Nordic [...]
The Rail Baltica Business Network held an annual meeting and received an overview of the progress of the Rail Baltica project
"Our Business Network has been an active participant in discussions about Rail Baltica. Today, all of the most important projects of the Estonian part of RB (main route, passenger terminals) are covered by design agreements. [...]
Rail Baltica business network end of year lunch with Keit Kasemets and Anti Moppel
Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia organized an end of the year lunch for its members and guests, which was also attended by Keit Kasemets, Head of the European Commission Representation in Estonia, and Anti Moppel, [...]
Opening of another RB business season at the Tallink Group
In early October, members of the Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia held their season’s first meeting and joint discussion at the HQ of AS Tallink Grupp, the largest passenger ferry operator in the Baltic Sea. [...]
RBBN Annual General Meeting learned about upcoming public procurements
On June 26th, 2019 Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia held its Annual General Meeting (AGM), where the members of the network looked back at the work done within the last year and discussed plans for [...]
RB initial time-table: four high-speed trains daily from Tallinn to Vilnius and Warsaw
According to a recent study based on the anticipated passenger demand, Rail Baltica will offer a fast train connection between the capitals of the Baltic States every two hours – in 2026 every day four [...]
Director General Hololei meeting Rail Baltica Business Network in Tallinn
Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia organized a business lunch on 21. December 2019 for its members and guests, including Director-General for Mobility and Transport (DG-Move) of the European Commission Henrik Hololei. Around 20 entrepreneurs and [...]
Minister Simson: 2019 will be a significant year for Rail Baltica
Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia (RBBN) and the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications organized a seminar at the Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol on October 11th, 2018. The main focus of the seminar was [...]
Seminar “Rail Baltica as Innovation Platform”
On the 11th of October a seminar “Rail Baltica as Innovation Platform” will be held in Tallinn Technology Park Tehnopol. The main objective of the event is to give an update on the Rail Baltica Global [...]
RBBN in Kaunas – RB to become a powerful economic catalyst in the Baltics
On the 12th of September 2018 around 20 entrepreneurs and stakeholders interested in the economic potential of Rail Baltica met in Kaunas, Lithuania at the Technical University Economy and Business Faculty to discuss how RB [...]
Rail Baltica Business Network on the air at Äripäev Radio
Tõnis Tamme and Meelis Niinepuu, two board members of Rail Baltica Business Network, and Vadim Shabarov, who has been the director of operations in container train operator Baltic Rail AS for the eight last years, [...]
Catherine Trautmann visiting Rail Baltica Business Network in Riga
Last week Rail Baltica Business Network (RBBN) in Riga organized an open discussion with the main topic “Rail Baltica – the key to the Baltic economic development” featuring the keynote speaker European Coordinator for the [...]
Rail Baltica as a platform for innovation discussed in Riga
Rail Baltica Business Network in Latvia opened its year with a discussion event on the topic “Rail Baltica - the platform for next generation technological development” on February 02, 2018 at a co-working space Techhub [...]
Rail Baltica discussions at the largest railway conference in Poland
A special session „Rail Baltica potential for the development of railway transport and business in Poland“ took place on November 23, 2017 as part of the VII Railway Congress in Warsaw. The annual railway congress [...]
An overview of Rail Baltica Business Network open discussion in Riga.
The event took place at the European Commission representation office in Riga, Latvia, on November 29, 2017. The event gathered more than 20 representatives of local companies and the industry. The topic of the discussion [...]
Risk analysis for the Estonian part of Rail Baltica completed
The risk analysis of the planning and construction phase of the Estonian part of Rail Baltica project, recently completed in cooperation of Ernst & Young Baltic and TRINITI, mapped the risks embedded in the major [...]
Rail Baltica Business Network started events in Finland
On 8 November Rail Baltica Business Network organized a first event aimed at gathering Finnish business community and elaborate latest developments in Rail Baltica project. This happened in the framework of European Commission project in [...]
Ülemiste – a smart city district next to the airport and the Rail Baltica Tallinn terminal
On November 2nd, 2017 around 30 businesspeople interested in the economic potential of Rail Baltica gathered for a meeting in Tallinn at the Ülemiste Smart City, strategically located between the Lennart Meri International Airport and [...]
An overview of Rail Baltica event in Vilnius, Lithuania
Civitta Lithuania and Estonia organized the first Rail Baltica Business Network Event in Vilnius on the 27th of October, 2017, which took place in one of the greatest FinTech community workspaces – Rise Vilnius. Transport, [...]
An overview of Rail Baltica Business Network launch event in Riga, Latvia
The event took place at the European Commission representation office in Riga, Latvia, on September 13, 2017. The event was attended by 22 representatives from various companies locally and internationally, including but not limited to [...]
Entrepreneurs see Rail Baltica as a big business potential
On September 22, the Rail Baltic Business Network high-level debate “Rail Baltica – Future Railway for Business” took place in Tallinn under the Connecting Europe conference, one of the most important events concerning transport in [...]
Rail Baltic Business Network will organize seminar and panel discussion: “Rail Baltica – future railway for business”
Panel discussion will be part of the program of Connecting Europe Conference, that will be held at 21. – 22 of September 2017 in Tallinn. Time: 22nd of September 2017 14:30-17:00 Venue: ARTIS CINEMA Hall 1 [...]
Surveys: Finnish entrepreneurs are very much interested in Rail Baltica
Seminar „Rail Baltic 1.0 – intermodality“ held in Tallinn yesterday and organised by the non-profit association Rail Baltic Business Network presented the surveys which analysed the vision of entrepreneurs regarding intermodal transport. The opening address [...]
The Rail Baltic Global Forum held in Riga revealed the project’s cost-benefit analysis
The Rail Baltic Global Forum held in Riga on 24 April brought out the bottlenecks of this giant project, but indicated also that the new railway will be built and will be beneficial to the [...]
RBBN held its Annual Meeting marking the close of its first economic year
The Annual General Meeting of the Rail Baltic Business Network (RBBN) approved the management board’s activity report for the 2015/2016 financial year as well as the 2017 annual budget and action plan. The members of [...]
International conference on Rail Baltic was held in Tallinn
Rail Baltic Business Network organized an international conference "Business Case: Rail Baltic" which took place on October 13 in Tallinn. Kristen Michal, the Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure of Estonia gave a keynote introduction to the [...]
Potential of Rail Baltic is 5 million passengers and 16 million tons of cargo a year
On June 14, 2016 a number of companies interested in the Rail Baltic (RB) project gathered at Muuga Harbor near Tallinn, Estonia to discuss further developments of the new railroad project and business opportunities related [...]
RBBN board member on a TEN-T conference panel in Helsinki
On April 7th, 2016 Tõnis Tamme, board member of the Rail Baltic Business Network and partner at law firm TRINITI in charge of infrastructure and transport matters, moderated a discussion panel at the North Sea [...]
Financing Agreement of 442 MEUR signed for the construction of Rail Baltic
On 24th November 2015, joint venture RB Rail AS, which has been founded for the implementation of the Rail Baltic Project, the European Commission and the three Baltic States signed an agreement in Tallinn which [...]
Rail Baltic Business Network founded
As explained at an opening seminar on 16 October 2015 in Tallinn, the new NGO shall focus on the economic gains of Rail Baltic as a major pan-European infrastructure project and the business opportunities entailed [...]