RBBN Year-end Business Lunch with Director General of DG-MOVE

In December 2021 Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia (RBBN) organised a year-end luncheon seminar for its members and guests with Mr Henrik Hololei, the Director-General of the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG-MOVE) as the keynote speaker. The purpose of the event was to gather the public and private stakeholders of [...]


2021 a Busy Year for Rail Baltica

Board member of the RB Business Network in Estonia and partner of law firm TRINITI summarizes last year as a very busy one for Rail Baltica. Construction works on the new railway started in all thee Baltic states, the financing of the megaproject is proceeding as planned and a new deadline for completion of  Raul [...]

2022-01-06T13:00:15+02:0005.01.2022|News, Uudised|

New members joining – Katoen Natie and Liwathon E.O.S.

Katoen Natie and Liwathon E.O.S., two leaders in their field of logistics have joined Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia. Katoen Natie globally operates port-, logistics-, and on-site freight terminals. Katoen Natie Group provides a variety of semi-industrial services, designs, builds and manages logistics platforms and assembles supply chains for different industrial sectors. Liwathon E.O.S. provides [...]


RBBN discussed important developments and changes at Muuga Harbour

This fall, members of the Estonian Rail Baltica Business Network gathered at Muuga Harbour to open the RB season and listen to presentations on current developments relating to the Rail Baltica project reaching the Muuga deepwater port area. “It was once again nice to see that companies are getting more and more interested in Rail [...]


RB Business Network AGM virtually hosting the CEO of the RB joint venture

On June 14, 2021, Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia (RBBN) held its annual general meeting in Tallinn, re-electing its Management Board for another term. Also attending the meeting virtually was Agnis Driksna, Head of Rail Baltic’s (RB) joint venture RB Rail AS. “Our cooperation with the Rail Baltica organization in Estonia and across the Baltic [...]


Overview of the RB project progress at the business network webinar

Despite the ongoing pandemic, Tõnis Tamme, Member of the Management Board of Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia and partner at the TRINITI law firm, is pleased that the network had a chance to meet online before the difficult year came to an end. “The event with more than 45 participants showed that the interest of [...]


Innopolis Engineering joined the RB Business Network

Innopolis Engineering™ joined the Rail Baltica Estonian Business Network as a full member. Innopolis is a Scandinavian & Baltic Architecture and Engineering Company which specializes in providing full-service digital construction design solutions in the Nordic and Baltic region. During the last 12 years, we have designed a small cities worth of sustainable and energy-efficient buildings [...]


The Rail Baltica Business Network held an annual meeting and received an overview of the progress of the Rail Baltica project

"Our Business Network has been an active participant in discussions about Rail Baltica. Today, all of the most important projects of the Estonian part of RB (main route, passenger terminals) are covered by design agreements. At the moment, preparations for construction are underway and cooperation agreements have been concluded with strategic partners,” said Tõnis Tamme, [...]


Rail Baltica business network end of year lunch with Keit Kasemets and Anti Moppel

Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia organized an end of the year lunch for its members and guests, which was also attended by Keit Kasemets, Head of the European Commission Representation in Estonia, and Anti Moppel, Adviser to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. Behind the joint table, entrepreneurs and stakeholder representatives summarized most important [...]


Opening of another RB business season at the Tallink Group

In early October, members of the Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia held their season’s first meeting and joint discussion at the HQ of AS Tallink Grupp, the largest passenger ferry operator in the Baltic Sea. The participants were welcomed by Harri Hanschmidt, AS Tallink Grupp Management Board Member who reflected that the Baltic Sea’s leading [...]

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